WLCI provides you the professional training in the field of Advertising & Graphic Design through various programmes. These programmes prepare you for job opportunities in Advertising, Graphic Design, Print, Publishing, Animation, Web & News Media and many more.
WLCI college for Advertising & Graphic Design, PG Visual Communication creative students from the Delhi campus attended the Ad tech New Delhi 22-24 February 2012 at Leela Kempinski , Ambience Island Gurgaon Delhi NCR India.
The Conference featured heavy weights such as Shiv Singh, Global Head of Digital, PepsiCo ,Pete Blacks haw, Global Head of Digital Marketing and Social Media, Nestle : Gian Fulgoni, Executive Chairman and Co Founder, com Score Inc.: and four other keynotes, 18 sessions,16 sponsored workshop and over 80 speaker/panelists. Exhibitors and sponsors, ad-network organizations, major portals, key online publishers, mobile application providers, affiliate marketers and many solution providers were showcased to support business, improve online marketing and advertising capabilities.
Attended the key note - The Evolution of Content, Commerce & Entertainment in the Digital World.. by the Director New Media Times Group Satyam Gajwani The event was a learning experience .The one day master class on search & Social added immense value in updating knowledge in digital & social marketing. The Expo was a one stop opportunity to reach out and learn about the technology deployed in digital marketing today.
Digital age …Industry Interaction !!!
WLCI Design School