Friday, October 2, 2015

Awe of Advertising

What is that one marketing gimmick that will never go out of fashion? No brownie point for guessing right. Advertising it is. No matter how great a product or service is, no one’s going to know about it unless it is advertised. Advertising does wonders for sale of products leading to more revenue being earned and ensuring its success.

A few advantages are:

  • Informs existing customers about the new product E
  • Encourages them to buy it 
  • Helps to enhance the reputation of a brand 
  • Attracts new customers to give the product a try
  • Slowly adds to the sale of a product thereby boosting the bottom line.

Advertising translates into more sales over a period of time. A few things to keep in mind while preparing a campaign are:
  • Target audience: Who is your prospective customer? It is foolish to use aged people in ads meant for the youth. Also, be specific as far as the message you are trying to convey is concerned. 
  • Design with Care: Do your research well and design your advertisement such that it throws light on the features and the benefits of the product or service. You will have to convince your audience why they need to buy it.
  • Media of Choice: Select an apt vehicle to establish contact with your customers. Knowing your audience will help to choose the media. Using hoardings or televisions would be a better way to reach out to the older generation than the internet.
There is no end to what you can attain with advertising and how to go about it. To know more, check out WLCI School of Advertising and Graphic Design at

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Awe of Advertising
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