Monday, January 11, 2016

What is Graphics Design?

What happens when you blend in images and text as in a few words or sentences to convey what you want to say or feel? Quite an experience to remember! Well, the catchy outcome, known as graphics design, is what has taken the world of design y storm as one of the most powerful tools of visual communication. Be it in the form f catchy illustrations on posters, advertisements, packages, newspapers or magazines, it is used in various places to reach out to a wide range of audience. his field of design, where words, symbols and images are combined innovatively, as added a new dimension to reading.

To foray into the world of graphics design, you need to have in-depth knowledge of global design trends, cultural practices and also changing market scenarios so that what you produce is relevant to the scenario. You need to learn all this to hone your imaginative, intellectual and analytical capabilities. A formal course will teach you how best to combine typography, visual arts and page layout techniques to create visual magic. You learn about different fonts and colours. You are also encouraged to draw inspiration from your daily life and add it to your repertoire of ideas. Most importantly, you are taught never to stop thinking.

With a course in graphics design, you can work in advertising agencies, design studios, print and publishing, animation, web, internet, interactive multimedia, packaging, copywriting, media, films and photography. An institute where theory and practice are blended such that students can develop a range of professional skills is WLCI‬ School of ‎Design.

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What is Graphics Design?
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